The collect operation cannot begin at this time. The archive catalog cannot be saved to the specified location. Please choose another location. The destination folder is not valid. Please choose another destination. The selected location cannot be written to. Please choose another location. Failed to create broswer application. Failed to create archive catalog. Some files could not be copied to the destination. Failed to gather information from the catalog. Could not get record set from the gallery. An archive catalog cannot be safely created because this catalog is currently open by another copy of Portfolio (or Portfolio Express). Please ensure that no other users are connected, or switch to admin mode. The folder '^' exists within the destination. Would you like to rename the file being copied or cancel the collect operation? The file '^' has already been copied to the destination. Would you like to rename the file being copied or cancel the collect operation? The file '^' has already been copied to the destination. Would you like to rename the file being copied, cancel the collect operation, or overwrite the existing file? The file '^' already exists within the destination. Would you like to rename the file being copied or cancel the collect operation? The file '^' already exists within the destination. Would you like to rename the file being copied, cancel the collect operation, or overwrite the existing file? The file '^' could not be found. Would you like to cancel the collect operation or continue without this file? ^ items are still missing. Do you wish to continue? The file '^' already exists. Would you like to replace the existing file with the archive catalog? Using Portfolio Browser.pdf rsrc Portfolio Browser Filters MB Creating Browser Application Optimizing Archive Catalog Creating Archive Catalog Copying files to destination Gathering Information